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Segundo algumas pessoas, é assim que nós (eu e vocês que participam do blog) nos comunicamos. Afinal, segundo o Google, essa é a forma como se escreve Music Alliance Pact no idioma hindi (ai, que piada tosca).
Pule o blá blá blá e escute as músicas. Baixe logo a coletânea inteira do mês e defina o que você acha legal e o que é uma merda. Apesar da seleção sempre ter umas coisas muito boas, é bem provável que você não queira nunca mais ouvir algumas das músicas que estão aí. Mas, mesmo que não goste, se realmente quiser distância de alguma das músicas da MAP de julho, ao menos elas provocaram algo em você. Pra mim, a pior coisa que pode acontecer em relação à uma música é ela não lhe transmitir exatamente nada.
Recado dado.
Alemanha: Blogpartei
Bonaparte – Gigolo Vagabundo
"Bonaparte é um coletivo de artistas europeus baseado em Berlim. Seu estranho e chamativo folk é influenciado por tirmos balcãs e eletrônicos. Com suas fantasias lucas, são uma das melhores performances ao vivo da Alemanha."
Segundo algumas pessoas, é assim que nós (eu e vocês que participam do blog) nos comunicamos. Afinal, segundo o Google, essa é a forma como se escreve Music Alliance Pact no idioma hindi (ai, que piada tosca).
Pule o blá blá blá e escute as músicas. Baixe logo a coletânea inteira do mês e defina o que você acha legal e o que é uma merda. Apesar da seleção sempre ter umas coisas muito boas, é bem provável que você não queira nunca mais ouvir algumas das músicas que estão aí. Mas, mesmo que não goste, se realmente quiser distância de alguma das músicas da MAP de julho, ao menos elas provocaram algo em você. Pra mim, a pior coisa que pode acontecer em relação à uma música é ela não lhe transmitir exatamente nada.
Recado dado.
Bonaparte – Gigolo Vagabundo
"Bonaparte é um coletivo de artistas europeus baseado em Berlim. Seu estranho e chamativo folk é influenciado por tirmos balcãs e eletrônicos. Com suas fantasias lucas, são uma das melhores performances ao vivo da Alemanha."
Mi Pequeña Muerte – La Música Nueva
"Com esse nome, você pode pensar que Mi Pequeña Muerte não é necessariamente uma banda muito otimista. Isso era verdade na época do álbum Hospital, estreia da banda lançada em 2004, marcado pelo indie rock melancólico e vocais choramingados. Mas agora, em 2009, acredite ou não, a banda lança um CD (seu terceiro) chamado Un Futuro Brillante. Pode ser pura ironia, mas neste lançamento eles se renovam com sons e instrumentos diferentes, incluindo sopros e sintetizadores Moog."
Boat Beam – The Rain Pauly
"De repente chega a notícia que Josephine, do Sparkadia, agora está neste deslumbrante trio folk em Madri chamado Boat Beam e eles parecem ser bastante populares (dê uma olhada no MySpace deles). Quão louco é isso? Eu poderia ouvir 'The Rain Pauly' durante dias."
Brasil: Meio Desligado
Nancy – Keep Cooler Quando você compõe uma pequena pérola pop, corre o risco de causar, entre uma variada lista de sentimentos e sensações, euforia e espectativa nas pessoas. "Keep cooler", do Nancy, grupo que teoricamente é de Brasília mas têm (ou tinha) seus integrantes vivendo em diferentes cidades e países, é um belo exemplo. Singela, melódica e gostosa de ouvir, é uma canção tão boa que em um primeiro momento pode diminuir o restante do material apresentado pela banda em seu álbum de estreia, Chora, Matisse!, lançado no início de 2009 e composto majoritariamente (obs.: estranho usar essa palavra) através da internet, via emails e conversas de MSN (e similares, claro).
Rah Rah– I've Got Faith
"Quando tive que enviar minha indicação ao Polaris Music Prize (pense em uma versão canadense do prêmio britânico Mercury Prize), o primeiro álbum que me veio à mente foi o maravilhoso Going Steady do Rah Rah. Como ` I've Got Faith´ demonstra, a banda combina os melhores elementos do Broken Social Scene (com a sensação constante de que eles mal conseguem manter tudo unificado) e Arcade Fire (em seu caráter épico), alcançando um resultado com uma sonoridade própria."
Dringe Augh – Tutelar
Singer-songwriter Dringe Augh offers lovely songs full of lively guitar play. Over the years he has recorded several demos and his first official EP, Individually Wrapped, was released in June. On the new version of Tutelar, Dringe is accompanied by delightful female vocals from Eunjie Song of modern folk duo Sogyumo Acacia Band.
Pedropiedra – Sol Mayor
Pedro Subercaseaux has been involved with music for almost a decade. Having explored such diverse styles as cumbia, hip-hop, electronica, pop and rock, he has been part of several projects such as Hermanos Brothers, Tropiflaite, Yaia and CHC, gathering a good amount of success along the way. This year Subercaseaux has decided to release his debut solo album, under the moniker Pedropiedra, in which he demonstrates his great ability to craft catchy pop-oriented melodies.
The Works – Live And Direct (featuring Jams F. Kennedy)
It's time to bring some urban tunes to all ye faithful readers of the Music Alliance Pact. Enter The Works aka producers Twelve Beats and Terry Tester, whom I stumbled across quite recently and whose intriguing fusion of hip-hop and electronica I haven't been able to shake off since. Minimalist, yet rich on details. Hardly moving, but always taking you places. Their debut release, Yokohama EP, is out now and streamed in full on their MySpace.
Spanish Prisoners – Kiss The Lawn Goodbye
Brooklyn's Spanish Prisoners, fronted by Leo Maymind, create fractured power-pop in the vein of The New Porno's Dan Bejar (Destroyer). They're currently working on a new album but in the meantime they've released a free three-song EP - download it here - from which Kiss The Lawn Goodbye is taken.
Neufvoin – Robot
Neufvoin are an up-and-coming indie band who create beautifully-arranged catchy pop melodies with guitars, synthesizer textures and a few other instruments. Apparently, they also like playing with bots and droids. Robot is taken from their debut Robokop EP, six songs produced by Rubik frontman Artturi Taira that journey many different musical landscapes.
Jessica Fichot – Un, Deux, Trois (1,2,3)
Born in America to a French father and Chinese mother, chanteuse and songwriter Jessica Fichot was raised in France in a multicultural environment. She is a lot like her hometown of Paris: French at heart, but with a soul that's truly international. Her multi-ethnic upbringing colors the songs on her debut album.
Sudden Weather Change – Prey Mode
Sudden Weather Change are a five-piece rock band from Reykjavik who have been compared to Sonic Youth and Pavement. Prey Mode is taken from their debut album, Stop! Handgrenade In The Name Of Crib-Death 'nderstand, which came out in April on the Icelandic Kimi Records label and will be released in Europe and America in September.
Friendship – The Graveyard Shift
"Cansado de bandas indie com suas "influências africanas"? Bem, prepare-se para mais uma, porém desta vez com mais pegada, distorção e um sentimento de diversão mais claro que a maioria."
The Holy Roman Army – Elegy
Ireland has already produced its fair share of amazing records so far this year and we can now add The Holy Roman Army's album to that list. How The Light Gets In is the brother and sister duo's debut and it's filled with ambient and electronic flourishes with an organic heart. Perhaps it's not a surprise they are a doctor and a psychologist respectively. Elegy is a perfect example of the band's yearning for something emotional between the city's streets.
Iori's Eyes – Anchor
Iori's Eyes are a boy and a girl from Milan who play gentle pop with a dreamy touch. Their music brings together a folk mood and a post-rock background. Their songs sound as fragile and delicate as little toys, but definitely know how to be surprising and poignant. Iori's Eyes just released their debut EP, And Everything Fits In The Yellow Whale, and I can't wait to listen to a proper album.
LITE – Ghost Dance
LITE are a Tokyo-based instrumental band who play experimental rock with striking, groove-heavy basslines. Formed in 2003, their spirit is similar to Mogwai, 65daysofstatic, Battles, Toe and Envy. In May, LITE visited America for the first time, going out on tour with legendary bass guitarist Mike Watt.
Hello Seahorse! – Universo 2
Hello Seahorse! is the year's most acclaimed Mexican indie band. With their third album, Bestia, the trio have made the transition into a multi-dimensional group with a masterwork under their belt. Bestia shines in between ghosts and hazy sonic beauty, in a universe of its own, and proves Hello Seahorse! have total control over their romanticized and passionate, sublime creations.
Urbantramper – Southern Hemisphere Blues
Urbantramper are a five-piece from Wellington who are part of a loose collective known as Treeninja. The band produce introspective pop songs that reflect an endearing, naive angst about their place in the world. This is a group with a manifesto! They're currently considering issues of music distribution, copyright and the impact of these on the nature of the relationship between musician and audience. Urbantramper have a strong back catalogue and a new album due in September.
Silverdrop – Real Life
It's July, it's summer and it's time for some fresh and shiny indie-pop from Norwegian six-piece Silverdrop. These are definitely sounds for the sunny days and the band's new recordings are even more bouncy and energetic than the songs I've heard from them before. Silverdrop are currently working on their debut album.
Francois Peglau – Spring Lovers Song (Si Tú Quieres)
Francois Peglau's songs do not need much explanation, they just happen. They are simple and beautiful - they could be borne from a whistle on a bus or a nice sunny day with friends. Francois moved to London two years ago and Spring Lovers Song (Si Tú Quieres) is his most recent song.
Andrew Thorn – ME Jane
Andrew Thorn is João Pedro Coimbra, a Portuguese composer/musician/producer and founder of the extremely successful duo Mesa. Andrew Thorn is João's way of exploring his creativity beyond Mesa's sound. The debut EP, Brutes On The Quiet, was released independently (Mesa is signed to Sony/BMG) on July 13 and ME Jane is the first authorized download by the artist and a MAP exclusive.
Melting Carousel – Several Other Universes
"Melting Carousel é uma banda de indie-pop de Timisoara com uma proposta eclética, rindo do pop alternativo ao jazz."
Maple Leaves – Easy Speak
Even though Glasgow's pedigree of producing twee, folky-pop bands (Belle & Sebastian, Camera Obscura) is strong, few have been as relentlessly joyous as Maple Leaves. With their dreamy girl-boy vocals and penchant for colouring their songs with flute, piano and acoustic guitar, Maple Leaves are guaranteed to put the spring into anyone's summer.
Force Vomit – Liberator
Surfing and punk-rock in the city state of Singapore don't necessarily go hand in hand due to the lack of any noteworthy waves (both literally and metaphorically). Enter Force Vomit, the antithesis of Singapore's two shortcomings with their brazen brand of surf-punk that takes the piss out of Singapore's sanitized idiosyncrasies and semblance of normal life. Sounding like a Dick Dale number cut by switchblades, Liberator should easily find a place in a Tarantino film.
"Eu estava de bobeira na internet (principalmente pelo MySpace) e encontrei essa banda chamada MAKTHAVERSKAN. Desde então, descobri que fazem parte do selo Luxury. Considere essa a sua introdução a nova "A" banda de Gothenburg. Eles fazem um pop ágil misturado a pós-punk com um pouco da sonoridade de Joan Jett.
Gonzalo Teppa – De Conde A Principal
Gonzalo Teppa is a musician, composer and a breathtaking double-bass player. Born in Barquisimeto, he has wowed audiences in Mexico, Brazil, Spain, USA, Colombia and Bolivia. Downbeat Magazine has selected him as solo artist of the year twice. De Conde A Principal is a version of an original work from Venezuelan composer Aldemaro Romero. It belongs to his latest work, ConTrabajos De Aldemaro.
Download das 26 músicas aqui.