Saindo dos questionamentos e do exercício de futurologia no cenário cultural, volto ao prêmio...
Na categoria rock, o segundo e terceiro colocado foram as bandas que receberam minhas melhores notas: Electrico (de Cingapura, na foto) e Archipelago (das Filipinas). Caso alguém se interesse, as músicas indicadas podem ser ouvidas no site do AVIMA e abaixo você confere todos os vencedores.
Marabahaya (E.A.R version) - Pop Shuvit & Project EA.R (Thailand/Malaysia/
'Thank You For Existing Becoz Your Music Makes Each Day Worth Waking Up To', (Most Innovative and Inventive Indie Act)
Agrikulture (Indonesia) & Out Of Body Special (Philippines)
Best Rock Song
1. Marabahaya (E.A.R version) - Pop Shuvit & Project EA.R (Thailand/Malaysia/
2. Archipelago-MRI (Philippines) (Silver)
3. Save our souls-Electrico (Singapore) (Bronze)
1. Motherjane (India) - Gold
2. Pop Shuvit (Malaysia) - Silver
3. Ritmic-Traumatic (Indonesia) - Bronze
Best Rock Vocalist
1. Dia Hassan-Juliana down, (UAE) - Gold
2. Rithan - Deja Voodoo Spells (Malaysia) - Silver
3. Dave Tan - Electrico (Singapore) - Bronze
Best Pop/R&B Song
Naino sey - Sanjay Divecha (India)
Best Pop Act (solo or group)
Overload Romance (Indonesia)
Best Dance/Electronica Song
Funky Wah-Wah-Walking In The Moonlight (Thailand)
Best Dance Act(Group, duo)
Jojouka (Japan)
Best Dance Act (Solo)
CC Sound factory (Singapore)
Best Hip Hop Song
Poppin - Kraft & Jeevz (Malaysia)
Best Hip Hop Solo Act
Krishnan (Sri Lanka)
Best Hip Hop Group
Thaitanium (Thailand) & Dice & K9 (Mobbstarr) (Philippines) (TIE)
Best Instrumental
One day on moon - Jang seiyong (Korea)
Best Song To Play At Camp Fire and To Do Away With Monday Morning Blues (for all songs acoustic, folk or mellow)
Movie song - Sandra (Indonesia)
Best College Act
Bunk Face (Malaysia)
Best Guitar "Goreng" Riff
Funk - Phoeny X (Malaysia)
Most Mind Blowing Music Video
Vivek Rajagopalan - Snake in the city (India)
Best Overall Female Vocalist
Armi Millare - Up dharma down (Philippines)
Sunshiny-Feelgood song of the year
Chantek - Altimet (Malaysia)
Moody-melancholic masterpiece
Love is So strange- Everybody loves Irene (Indonesia)
Genre Bending-Mindboggling-Out of this world Track!
Together again - Shaair and Func (India)
Best Album/EP Cover of The Year
Ports of Lima – Sore (Indonesia)